![]() Last 10 changes peermore peermore peermore aboutchris augury socialtext pictures socialtext socialtext aboutchris 122 words 253 defs | listtagsRevision: Backlinks: | follow up to my posting about listtags (see previous revision of this entry) which gives some places to go, things to do. -- Chris Dent <cdent@burningchrome.com> http://www.burningchrome.com/~cdent/ "Mediocrities everywhere--now and to come--I absolve you all! Amen! -Salieri, in Peter Shaffer's Amadeus ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 02:26:31 -0400 From: Alex Shapiro Subject: [ba-ohs-talk] Keyword Indexing Regarding: http://www.bootstrap.org/lists/ba-ohs-talk/0204/msg00126.html http://www.bootstrap.org/lists/ba-ohs-talk/0204/msg00132.html http://www.bootstrap.org/lists/ba-ohs-talk/0204/msg00176.html http://www.bootstrap.org/lists/ba-ohs-talk/0204/msg00194.html I strongly agree with the above messages, especially Chris Dent's last message which I was going to quote. However, I found myself saying Exactly, Exactly, Exactly to all the lines :) so I guess that I'll just spare the clutter. *1* KWD LOCATION: I think that we are in agreement that the keywords should be the first line of the email. *2* KWD ENVELOPE: I was tempted to agree with Murray's suggestion that the envelope for the keywords should be more complex then [], because of the argument that some emails might be html based. However, I think that everyone on this list mostly uses text, and I see that one of my messages which had some bold text (which I assume needs html), came out looking like plain text in the ba-ohs archives. So, as long as parsing is not a problem, which it looks like it won't be, I say that using square brackets around the keywords is fine. *3* KWD FORMAT: We need to agree on some sort of word separation standard for keywords. The above thread has contained the following formats: FooBar, Foo_Bar, Foo-Bar. I don't have much of a preference, but I think that either the first or the second is better. The undescored version Foo_Bar seemes to be the most readable. *4* KWD SELECTION: In message #126 Eric suggests that we take the time to come up with a list of keywords. We could do this, but first I think that we might experiment with comming up with a minimal set of basic keywords, and then having every new keyword automatically added to the DB. *4.1* BASIC KEYWORDS: I think that as a group we should come up with a minimal set of three or four keywords that would give a general type to the message. For instance, I am thinking that messages which announce a new type of software should be given the Software_Announce, or SA, (or some variation) keyword. The thing is that about 1/3 of the root messages (not the followups) posted to this group announce software, and it would be nice to be able to filter those out from the general discussion. Other basic keywords might include Document_Announce, Conference_Announce, Fun_Announce, and Seeking_Software. In theory there should be one basic keyword per message. The purpose of these keywords is to provide an intermediate level of specification between the current thread structure, and the fine grain keyboarding to be discussed next. I envison using archives of messages aggregated by these keywords to queries of "I just saw some cool software mentioned recently, but I don't remember what it was". *4.2* FINE GRAINED KEYWORDS: Besides basic keywords there can also be fine grained keywords, such as IBIS, Google, Graphs, etc. My suggestion is that instead of wasting time arguing about these, we allow any user to use any keyword. New keywords will automatically be added to a database. The idea is that we should eventually settle on some common keywords by convention. I am sure that there will be some tension here, but I think that spreading the tension out over the first few weeks of use is better then arguing about this stuff before we are even completely sure what we are working with. It is simpler to see how to categorize new messages, then to have long arguments about how we should have categorized older messages. An idea that I had for keywords is that they could be placed in hierarchies, for instance Google.API. A message tagged with the Google.API could be seen by viewing both "Google" and "Google.API", but not the other way around. This way, if you chose a subcategory which other users did not agree on, your message would still be captured by the parent category. Multiple keywords should work in the same way. A message tagged with multiple keywords would be viewable by looking at any one of the listings. *5* INTERFACE SUGGESTIONS: I like Mark's suggestion of enriching the messages, and then delivering them to our inboxes. If we do this, then I suggest converting the keywords into hyperlinks which would again appear at the beginning of the email. Clicking on the hyperlinks would take you to the chronological list of messages tagged with that keyword (the listings which I mentioned above). We could also use the keywords to enrich the current http://www.bootstrap.org/lists/ba-ohs-talk/0204/threads.html archive. Currently all you see is an indented list with the post hyperlink and perhaps one more bit of information, the author name for the thread view. I would suggest putting the keyword links adjacent to the post hyperlink. Also, perhaps we could add a Keyword view to the author/thread/date views. There are many ways that this could look, but one is something like the author view, but with keywords instead of authors. A problem with this approach is that data would not be accumulated month to month, as it currently isN'T :) I don't know what it would take to get away from this, maybe setting periods for each keyword and breaking the data down that way. I am not even sure if the breakdown is necessary. My guess is that it's only there now for practical purposes, and not out of necessity. ========== Ok? So the actionable items are to come up with a list of basic keywords, decide on the multi-word format, and figure out how to implement this type of system. I think that from a technical standpoint this problem is not too bad at all. And it would be a big help managing the 200 or so messages that we receive each month, who besides Rod could remember all that :) --Alex | [ Contact ] [ Old Blog ] [ New Blog ] [ Write ] [ AboutWarp ] [ Resume ] [ Search ] [ List Words ] [ Login ] |