![]() Last 10 changes peermore peermore peermore aboutchris augury socialtext pictures socialtext socialtext aboutchris 122 words 253 defs | springfreezeRevision: | Note passing off the first freeze to Jason for integration. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 21:35:02 -0500 (EST) From: cdent@burningchrome.com Subject: frozen code I've put my latest versions of the Spring layout code on ella at: /home/cjdent/src/Spring I'll leave it alone until we meet on Sunday. I'm sorry this message is so long, but it is the current state of affairs, please take the time to read it before you try and integrate our various stuff: there's relevant stuff here, especially the discussion of the problems with the math and the two hierarchy methods. I've thus far been somewhat frustrated in the process because there hasn't been a lot of chatting about what I've done and I need feedback to keep it in line. The code is not as well commented as I would like, so this is important commentary. As stated before my code doesn't deal with: - input of node and edges info (all the testing has been done with hardcoded stuff in DrawableSpring.java. In addNodes() and addEdges(). - prettiness of nodes and edges. DrawableNode and DrawableEdge are extensions of Node and Edge and can be extended to include things like shape, color, label, etc - Events or external controls of any kind. I got stuck in (and enjoyed being in) the decoding of how best to do the layout itself. I've made some fairly significant progress with this, but there remain some issues: - Constants and formulae used for the following need to be tweaked, I'm not getting perfect results: - calculation of inter-node repulsion, based on the repulsion value on the Nodes (Node.java) and the math in pushNodes() in SpringProcessor.java - calculation of spring/edge pull, based on the strength value on the Edges (Edge.java) and the math in pullEdges() in SpringProcessor.java - the pull of gravity, in gravity() in SpringProcessor.java - type of gravity, also in gravity(). The choice is between a gravity that sucks to the middle of the screen in a straight line, a more "real" gravity which causes orbiting, and a gravity which seeks the barycenter of all the nodes (instead of the screen). - manipulation of temperature in updateNodes() in SpringProcessor.java where it attempts to grow and shrink the window of motion for an individual node based on a decision about whether the motion is helping - decisions of when the graph is done, based on the global temperature of the scene, runP() and updateNodes() in SpringProcessor.java All these things together have -huge- impact on the appearance of the layout and thus are crucial to the value of the tool so I would very much like to focus on this area. Once we have a good system for inputing graphs, and adjusting the constants (sliders and such) it will be easier to find good defaults. - Window events are not being dealt with. When the updates on the DrawableSpring Panel stop (the thread quits) the screen doesn't get refreshed if it is occluded by another window or minimized then revealed. There's SpringDisplay and SpringApplet, one's a Frame, one's an Applet - Related to the above: if a window is resized, that's not picked up. - It's not clear that the decisions I've made for threading are right. Seems to work pretty well but I didn't use anything other than guesswork to get there. - My Node model, and Node hierarchy model, is fairly complex and I think quite flexible but that's not really demonstrated in the demonstrations contained in addNodes() and addEdges() in DrawableSpring.java so here's more info: When a layout is created (a new SpringProcessor is started) it is provided with an EdgeList and a NodeList. These are generally a subset of all the Nodes and Edges currently known in memory. The subset can represent any selection of nodes and edges that the code desires. It is for the current display only. This makes it possible to input one global Node and Edge dataset, select N>1 subsets of those and display N DrawableSpring panels. This allows for the display of context while viewing hierarchy that Jason and I have discussed: The primary panel has the current view while a secondary (scaled) panel has the previous collection of Nodes and Edges. When Nodes are entered they can be entered in a hierarchy. The Node object has an addChild() method that allows nodes to be added to it as children. This means, for example, that if you have five clusters, each of those clusters can be a Node and the members of each cluster are children of the node. Nodes also have a level. This is their "height" in the hierarchy. As you traverse the input, you enter current level. So in the cluster example above, a pseudo Node would represent the top (level 0), the five clusters would be level 1, and the children of each cluster would be level 2. The combination of level and children mean there can be three ways to traverse the hierarchy: - A cluster can be clicked. When it is clicked, code traverses that Node's list of children, and adds them to a newly created NodeList. An EdgeList is created that matches those nodes. The EdgeList and NodeList are used to create a new layout. - A slider can be adjusted, or a textfield used, to select a level in the hierarchy. A new NodeList can then be generated from those nodes that match the selected level. The EdgeList is generated from that NodeList. NodeList and EdgeList are used to create a new layout that may replace the previous one. - The union of these two methods. That is, dive into a single cluster, and then slide down the entire hierarchy below. Generating these lists may sound expensive, but it's cheap compared to the manipulations going into drawing. The code that is currently in place (at the path above and as an applet at project4/test/">http://ella.slis.indiana.edu/~cjdent/project4/test/ ) is displaying a similarity matrix used in my project 3. It is the "Similarity Between Threads" matrix at the top of: http://ella.slis.indiana.edu/~cjdent/project3/figures.html The results are quite different between the two systems. I've set edges that have a strength of less than .93 off in the new code. Perhaps I don't understand the way the slider to adjust edges was working in the old code, but the difference in the results is _quite_ confusing and interesting. Jason: I'm looking forward to whatever we discover on Sunday. Just to confirm that's 1pm outside of Franklin Hall, correct? Both of you: please let me know of any comments you might have. Thanks. | [ Contact ] [ Old Blog ] [ New Blog ] [ Write ] [ AboutWarp ] [ Resume ] [ Search ] [ List Words ] [ Login ] |