Wheatley, M. J. (1999). Chapter 6: The creative energy of the universe--information. In _Leadership and the new science: Discovering order in a chaotic world_, 2nd ed. (p. 93-112). San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler. A persuasive argument of the need for freely constructing and reconstructing architectures of information management within organizations such that information can be allowed to do what it has always done: create order from chaos. Traditional views of information management within corporations insisted that information must be controlled so that chaos does not ensue. Developments in twentieth century science show that instead of structure creating information, information self-organizes to create structure. Information is the motivating force of change and improvement. -=-=- Wheatley's work is compelling despite its evangelical tone. Hidden within the searchings for meaning that wobble somewhere between spiritual yearnings and something out of the X-Files In a constantly evolving, dynamic universe, information is a fundamental yet invisible player, one we can't see until it takes physical form. Something we cannot see, touch, or get our hands on is out there, influencing life. Information seems to be managing us. is a compelling argument that encourages a greater openness between people and organizations. If more information is passed, more information can be created. The output of that creation is innovation and change. It's no wonder that management consultants are often criticized as new age fuddy duddies by old school corporate heroes. The new guard wants things to change. They want to wrest control from the few and distribute it widely into the organization so that the organization as a whole can reach whatever goals the organization, as a whole, has established and published for itself. This is a _highly_ political stance. Back to the Index