Bowker, G.C. & Star, L.S. (1999). Chapter 3: The ICD as information infrastructure. In _Sorting things out: Classification and its consequences_ (p. 107-133). Cambridge MA: MIT Press. -=-=- A whole slew of information on how systems of classification help to create infrastructure in systems. In there, two items stood out for me: Quoting the League of Nations: Rather than omit from the beginning all which are not yet satisfactory, the authors have hoped, by including them and utilizing them for what they are worth, to create a demand for their improvement... This models a solution to a frequent stumbling block for "Information Architects" in this day and age. So often people want to come up with a structure before they really know what the resource will be used for. The search for structure becomes so intense that using the resource is delayed and delayed until its eventual value is lost. I advocate, instead, for situations where the structure is not apparent, the following process: - get the data - if it is already chunked in some fashion, give those chunks unique identifiers - build an information retrieval system that does free text indexing to allow string matching At this stage we now have a semi-useful resource where there was nothing before. Next: - as searches reveal user needs: - begin tagging resource with metadata - and/or reevaluate the chunking of the documents - use the metadata to create faceted retrieval systems As Wheatley suggested: information is a process that causes organization. The organizational structures we impose upon in information can be reveal in how we use the information. They are structures of convenience and as such we must be prepared to undertake inconvenient work to create them. There's a law of conservation of convenience in there somewhere. The second interesting point: On page 108 the sentence No knowledge system exists in a vacuum, it must be rendered compatible with other systems. has been underlined and the comment "Not so!" is nearby. I can't agree with the comment. What about the knowledge systems of the users and the organizations that use the systems and within which the system exists? The original system must be able to interoperate with those. Back to the Index