20011208: Dent, The Computer as Tool


Dent, C. (2001). The computer as tool: from interaction to
     augmentation. Retrieved December 8, 2001 from

My paper for 542. This work is effectively a synthesis of the first
third of half of 597 where the cognitive underpinnings of
classification and categorization were discussed. The paper makes a
case for considering the computer as a tool instead of an intentional
interactive artifact. The primary argument is focused on the
difference between classification and categorization (as I defined
them earlier in the class) and how computers, at this time, can only
achieve classification.

The paper is not as good as it should be because there are _far_
too many references to pursue. This paper was limited to 3000-5000
words. A further review would include more evaluation of Winograd and
Flores; chasing the sources that Norman uses (and doesn't do a good
job of crediting) in _Things that make us smart_; reading up on
Vygotsky, Bhaktin, Piaget; more Zerubavel, Wenger, Barsalou. On and
on. But there wasn't time.

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