20011119: Rogers & Marres, Landscaping climate change...


Rogers, R. & Marres, N. (2000). Landscaping climate change: A mapping
     technique for understanding science and technology debates on the
     world wide web. _Public understanding of science 9, 141-163. 

Continuing a theme...

p. 145:
	searcher relies on "judgement and past experience" in
        selecting, clicking through and finally patiently reading certain
        sources of information. 

This is essentially the same as category generation. Vague notions of
judgement and past experience are used to infer if the current thing
fits in an existing model. That fitting can be very fuzzy--a "like"
instead of "same as" relationship. 

This is also the same as a craftsperson evaluating, using crafty
knowledge, tools and materials in the "I can just tell it is good"
sort of way. 

The overall usability of a tool is not simply a function of the
efficiency with which a task is accomplished. Satisfaction with use is
also important. Thus the craftsperson's desire to use a personal tool:
it is a part of the feeling of category generation. 

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