Shedroff, N. (1999). Information interaction design: a unified field theory of design. In R. Jacobson (Ed.), _Information Design_ (p. 267-292). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. -=-=- It is telling that the majority of my margin notes for this article are in the first half, prior to the Interaction Design section. Here are the highlights: The introduction of the article makes it feel like something we have to read to justify all the abstract stuff in the class. As in "here, let me help you make this applicable." (I think that is a shame; see what follows). p. 270 Be willing to say it: information design is the foundation for other design--it's all information. Representation is at the bottom of all communication. p. 271 Words that matter for effective understanding: organize transform present represent compare contrast synthesize synergize categorize classify compose decompose interpolate extrapolate contextualize integrate p. 272 While it is true that effective communication is the transmittal of information, not data, it must be remembered that the transformation of data to information to knowledge to wisdom is a political act. To be free, critical thinkers we must put ourselves in the stance as accepters only of data use our brains to make the adjustments further down the path. In effect we say, "that may be knowledge for you, I'll evaluate it for myself". This can be an enormous cognitive task which is why we must enhance our tools of comparison so we may quickly categorize and transform data into our information matrix. Back to the Index