20011103: Amann, Fundulaki & Scholl, Integrating ontologies and thesauri...


Amann, B., Fundulaki, I., & Scholl, M. (2000). Integrating ontologies
     and thesauri for RDF schema creation and metadata querying.
     _International Journal of Digital Libraries, 3_(3). Retrieved
     November 3, 2001 from

Presentation of an approach for building metadata schema. Ontologies
and thesauri are shown to be two different methods for describing
information. Combining the two, by specifying connections between the
ontological relationships and terms in thesaurus, can create rich
metadata for use with RDF. 


This one was fairly difficult to follow but one thing was clear: this
system provides for the provision of more information about a
resource. That is the brute force method. 

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