Sanders, G.L. (1995). Introduction to data modeling concepts. In _Data modeling_ (p. 16-38). Danvers, Mass.: Boyd Frasier. An introduction to the entity relationship (ER) method as a way of modeling data prior to the creation of relational database tabels. Describes the difference between and characteristics of entities and attributes. Provides a clean explanation and demonstration of the is-a, is-part-of, is-associated-with relationships that can exist between entities and how these relationships to clarify structure in data. -=-=- While this work is primarily designed for database administrators it does provide a cogent introduction to the concepts used in ontologies, class structures, and object oriented programming paradigms. An anecdote: In version 5 of the Perl programming language object oriented programming can be accomplished. It's not exactly elegant but it does work. Objects are created from classes (entities). These objects have attributes as both data and methods. Using a global variable called @ISA it is possible to subclass perl classes to create entities which have the attributes of the parent class plus additional attributes. Prior to SLIS I pronounced (in my head) the global variable as "I suh" not "is a". Back to the Index