20010910: Uncle Netword, Information architecture


Uncle Netword. (Accessed 20001.09.10). Information architecture.
     Available at: http://uncle-netword.com/articles/writeweb3.html

An overview, with references to addtional resources, of some
fundamental principles of information architecture for web sites. A
site that is considered well designed is unified in the way that is
applies the principles, including four cornerstones of information
design: organization, presentation navigation and preparedness for


A fine collection of introductory references to background information
on web site architecture but somewhat lacking: the article does not
cite enough references to traditional library science material.
Without that historical context the nature of the web as something
"extra-special" is exaggerated. It is important to realize that a web
site is a manifestation of a general class: an information resource.
There are general principles that apply to books, libraries, web
sites, newspaper archives which can and should be reviewed.

Uncle Networld is _not_ a particularly heinous example of this
problem. They are simply doing what everyone else does: getting on the
hype bubble. Introducing new technology does not change the
fundamental act being performed. What it changes, and what it can
change radically if people remember to keep things in perspective, are
the available tools for making the fudamental act effective.

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