20010918: Engelbart, A conceptual framework for the augmentation of man's intellect.


Engelbart, D. C. (1963). A conceptual framework for the augmentation
     of man's intellect. In P.W. Howerton (Ed.), _Vistas in
     information handling_ (p. 1-29). Washington, D.C.: Spartan Books.

Outlines the conceptual framework for starting a research project with
the goal of augmenting a human's ability to solve complex problems.
Assumes there are four basic classes of capabilities which can be
augmented: Artifacts, Language, Methodology and Training. Problem
solving is the breakdown of large problems into smaller solvable
pieces wherein solving the smaller problems are individual process
managed by an executive process which keeps the bigger picture in
mind. Augmentation allows for manipulating the processes with improved
artifacts, language and methods by a trained individual or group.


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