Powerbook Wrist Rests
October 31, 2004
Doing this as a trackback rather than comment as I don't feel like messing with Typekey, required to comment at heyblog, where Andrew asks: (OS7)
I love my G4 Powerbook, but the edge below the keyboard where I rest my wrists is sharp. If my elbows are below the plane of my hands it gets uncomfortable. Has anyone seen a good solution for this? (OS8)
I had this problem too. Started with a taller and worse Dell, but is present in the powerbook too. I solved it by taking one of the long (~ 18 inches) flat foam wristpads for desktop keyboards, cutting it in half, cutting 3 inch pieces off either end, and gluing the 3 inch pieces underneath the two six inch pieces to create two things that look vaguely like this when view from the side: (OS9)
------ ------ --- --- (OSA)
These then slot over the lip of the powerbook where your wrists go. (OSB)
It's ugly and a bit of pain to carry around, but works well. (OSC)