PurpleWiki 0.93
August 09, 2004
PurpleWiki version 0.93 is nearly ready to go. This is a test post to make sure it still works with the MovableType plugin. (AAK)
New features include: (AAL)
- Templating support so the look of the wiki can be dramatically altered. (AAM)
- Sessions for users, allowing fun things like: (AAN)
- Better XHTML and CSS support (AAQ)
etc etc. It's a rather dramatic set of changes. The full list will be published here and a few other places when the release happens (tonight or tomorrow). This is just a test post. So here's some tests: (AAR)
I am a header (AAS)
With some indented text below. (AAT)
Update: My primary wiki is now running the new code with some diddling done to the default css and templates. The purplewiki wiki is running the same code, with the default templates. (ABH)
Oh, making sure comments work would be a good idea. (ABI)