Spring Oh Four
April 05, 2004
Spring has sprung (3RI)
here on the ranch (3RK)
and with it comes (3RM)
the affirmation (3RO)
that as time passes (3RQ)
so we come round again. (3RS)
(Photos from around the house and Flatwoods park. Whole group at SpringOhFourContents.) (3RU)
You know, it's weird; other RSS feeds that I read come through, text pictures and all, but your RSS feed just has a title and a link to your blog. I wonder why... oh well. I have other things to worry about. (3RW)
Probably depends on the feed you are getting. There are three: (3RX)
The first two are partial and the third one is full. (3RZ)
It's highly possible that some of the feeds are not valid and that the parser your RSS thingie uses is strict. MovableType has something of reputation of given out RSS and because of the PurpleWiki stuff there's a chance I'm making it worse. (3S0)
I'll try the full feed URL, and let you know. (3S1)
I'm somewhat hesitant to blame it on your feeds; I'm not 100% sure that my aggregator is fully reliable. (3S2)
We should bonk heads about this in meatspace sometime. I also need help getting PurpleWiki RecentChanges feeds. (3S3)
I have no problems reading using LJ's RSS feed system. (Link: http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=glacialerratics) (3TR)
But, I am using the index2.xml one. (3TS)