Glacial Erratics

When Does the Door Get Kicked In?

December 10, 2003

Some Republicans want to put Reagan on the dime, replacing FDR. It's hard to tell how serious they are, they are responding to the TV mini-series of recent infamy.    (25G)

The last paragraph in the article, though, raised some thoughts:    (25H)

And Souder said, "It is particularly fitting to honor the freedom president on this particular piece of coinage" because he was "wounded under the left arm by a bullet that had ricocheted and flattened to the size of a dime."    (25I)

When Reagan was shot, I was in sixth grade. By that time I was already a committed non-Republican. I didn't know what I was but I knew I was not a Republican. I still don't know what I am but I'm still not a Republican.    (25J)

When John Lennon was shot and killed a few months prior (twenty-three years ago, Monday) one of the few people I've ever thought a hero was removed before I had a chance to be old enough to appreciate him. I was horrified, I despaired, I lost faith.    (25K)

When Reagan was shot, and there I was in the sixth grade, I hoped desperately for his death. I thought if there was any justice in the world a man like that would be taken away. There's always been, for me, something especially chilling about a person, supposedly good--marketed as good, acting in the name of good, volunteering for and elected to a position to do good--that is not good. More chilling than the obviously and/or marketed as evil: the megalomaniacs like Saddam and Kim Jong Il. Perhaps I'm overcompensating somehow.    (25L)

I wanted Reagan dead and I was not ashamed of it. If he had died I would have said good riddance.    (25M)

But Reagan survived, I lost more faith, and he went on to gain the number one spot in my list of hated, supposedly good, western politicians. Until I spent some time in Thatcher's Britain.    (25N)

Thatcher roosted comfortably at the number one position until George W Bush. He strut upon on the stage with his big mouth, big pointing fingers and giant stroking brush, painting things whatever color was convenient. It was clear from very early on that here, in this puppet that didn't even bother to attempt to conceal the strings--while still trumpeting about his righteousness--was the new winner.    (25O)

And so I'm left with some confusing questions: if, hypothetically speaking(tm) of course, I feel about Bush as I did about Reagan does that make me a terrorist(tm) and a threat to national security(tm)? Will I, at any minute, be extradited back across the pond to take tea with Maggie T?    (25P)

Is it still safe to make and wear a t-shirt that says something like "Help Kill The President"? How about a baseball cap that says "Terrorist"? Is it still safe to talk about it? Is it still safe to joke about it? When won't it be? How will we know?    (25Q)

