Welcome Back Deer
October 23, 2003
Working on those cute points. (PD)
Here we see the deer gazing back at my cat who sits on the porch steps getting fussy because there is a deer in her yard. (PF)
This all happened about ten minutes ago. I had glanced out the door to see a fussy kitty, and thought what's up with that and turned around to spy yonder deer out the window. (PG)
Camera not at hand I slid to the floor out of my chair and shuffled, out of view of the window, along the floor and into the other room (mustn't disturb the deer) where I grabbed the camera. (PH)
When I returned I was able to capture a nice set. (PI)
If I were really gunning for points, I would have taken a picture of the cat too. (PJ)
Wow, that's the cutest deer incident in a while. I've never seen Thomasina react to a deer...I guess she gets pissed if it's in her portion of the yard! And that's the baby, too. Aww. (PK)
Also, nice colorful tree in there. Any more of those further back? :) (PL)
mmmm, venison... (PR)
Aw, man! Fall is the BEST time of year back there and I miss it annually. (PS)