Glacial Erratics
June 15, 2003
At least some of the time this blog sits at the top of a google query for 'glacial erratics'. People come here looking for information on those things, search around for 'erratics' in the search box and go away frustrated. So... (00017Z)
What's a Glacial Erratic? (000180)
A glacial erratic is a sort of giant pebble that doesn't seem to fit in with the local geography. This is because it has been transported to its current location from parts elsewhere by the forces of glaciation: carried along in ice or pushed around at the front of a glacier. (000181)
Glacial erratics are often rounded, sort of worn down, in much the same way as pebbles in a creek. Same idea, but the water is frozen and everything--the forces, the sizes--is on a different scale. (000182)
The Illinois State Geological Survey has some good information. (000183)
Why call a blog Glacial Erratics? (000184)
- My edges have been rounded off by forces beyond my understanding. (000185)
- I often feel like I've been transported from distant lands to a place where I don't seem to fit. (000186)
- Glaciers are cold. (000187)
- Glaciers are a powerful but subtle force that act over long time periods and bring about immense changes to the environment. People can be like that too. (000188)
- Glacial erratics can be good for bouldering. I don't get around to doing that enough. (000189)
So the name is part description, part wish. (00018A)
Good but not enough info; also, glaciers intrain material and it flows along with the ice....! (1G0)
HELP! im 13 and need more info for my essay! i cant find anymore! if u know ANYTHING about glacial erratics send me a email at today!! (1OR)
Hi, im at school (48E)
What Glacial Erratic is used for? (NKD)