PlaNetwork Conference
May 15, 2003
June 6-8, 2003 PlaNetwork is hosting the Networking a Sustainable Future conference. Blue Oxen is helping out by facilitating online collaboration for participants and distant observers before, during and after the conference. (0000OI)
With help from EricSinclair I drafted a strategy for encouraging blogging by using the InternetTopicExchange and Blogrolling. (0000OJ)
The first topic created at the InternetTopicExchange is a general one simply called Planetwork Conference. (0000OK)
the embedded [square bracketed] URLs render it very difficult to read. Humanly, I mean. (0000OL)
this is the URL i'm referring to: (0000OM) (0000ON)
Yeah, that's the result of the PurpleWiki parsing. For people who are not using a PurpleWiki adjusted blog (everyone but me), that won't be a problem. (0000OO)
At some point I need to get inside MovableType and diddle the RSS and TrackBack code so that it outputs something more legible. (0000OP)