Glacial Erratics

You lookin' at me?

February 28, 2003

The FBI has planes in the sky above Bloomington. They are apparently doing "physical surveillance" to assist ongoing classified investigations of "non-Americans". Here's today's story at the HoosierTimes.    (00009S)

I'm a non-American, I better check under the bed for agents.    (00009T)

I have three witnesses that can solemnly swear that I did, in fact, get the ecstatic giggles while listening to the Violent Femmes sing "I hate the TV" and "America Is" last Sunday while driving home from Wisconsin where we did, in fact, go ice climbing in the Ice Pit.    (00009U)

EveryOne? knows that all forms of climbing have nothing to do with recreation, exercise or addiction. Climbing is, pure and simple, a stealth incursion technique. CL, DP, JH and I were up there in Wisconsin expanding our repetoire. We're now ready to ascend the stairs of the Capitol building after an ice storm. Power to the people at last!    (00009V)

