Glacial Erratics

Business Process Augmentation

February 12, 2003

Over at Loosely Coupled they're establishing a link between business process management and Engelbart style augmentation while talking about Krispy Kreme doughnuts (mmm doughnuts):    (000049)

All along, the search for the next killer app in technology has been missing the point. Countless entrepreneurs, venture capital investors and corporations have been wasting their energies and their money trying to create software and machines that would somehow become the next killer app, when what they should have concentrated on was creating tools that help users unlock killer processes.    (00004A)

Yup, process and tools matter more than applications. What's the difference between a tool and an application? An application makes large, usually incorrect, assumptions about the needs of the user. A tool helps with a task.    (00004B)

I've a paper that ruminates broadly on such things.    (00004C)

